Ten children were born, innocent and free.

Nine children remain, tainted and maimed.

Eight had the same mother, so strong and so fragile.

Seven saw their Father try to kill their brother.

Six were female, fighting to survive.

Five lived at home when he finally went to prison.

Four were white male, but without all the privilege.

Three went to college and made their life better.

Two remain married, weathering the storms.

One child is myself, and this is our story.

About Shannon Joy

I am a single mama with two incredible munchkins. I confuse most people and the deeper you delve into the rabbit hole, the more lost you will become. I play a lot, work a lot, learn a lot, volunteer a lot and tend to do a lot... I love my life. The past few years have been an incredible journey, full of ups and downs. Thankfully, I have made the choice to see challenges as opportunities and it makes me so much stronger than I ever thought possible. I love to write and paint and feel that being creative is my God-given talent. I am so excited to share my life and experiences with you. Although I am a diamond in the rough, I known that I am being chiseled and hewn by experiences and grace and perseverance. I love comments and feedback, so please send a little love when you can. I will always try to respond personally and in a timely fashion.
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